Button Panel

Button Panel

How to configure the Button Panel in iVend Retail POS

The Button Panel option is an easy feature to quick sell products without the need of defining barcodes or going into product search screens. This functionality is useful for quick serve restaurants, super markets, etc. where items do not carry barcodes as they are prepared on order.
The user can define quick buttons as per the menu.
For configuring a button panel, log into the iVend Management Console and navigate to: Administration > Application Setup > POS Transaction Info Grid. The POS Transaction Info Grid list displays as follows.
POS Transaction Info Grid is only visible when the user logs in to the Management Console at the Enterprise Level.

Press [F3 New] to open POS Transaction Info Grid creation screen as follows.
Enter a suitable Code and Description in the required fields. Select the “QuickButtonPanel” option, from the Section Type field. Define A label that is to be shown on POS transaction info grid, in the Section Caption field. If you want to make this setup as the default for all stores that are created subsequent to this record, then check the box Is Default.
ID and Section Caption are mandatory fields.

Once the above information is filled in, click the [Add Row] button to add a new row in the lower table grid. For each new row added please fill in the following information:
1. Button Type: Choose any one of the following:
a. Product: Choose Product to set a product as a Button at the Point of Sale. On    clicking this button, the product gets directly added to the transaction screen.
b. Product Group: This is to set button for a particular Product Group.
c. Product Category: Choose Product Category to directly access a particular product category.
d. Custom: Choose Custom to configure a Used Defined Button in the Quick Button panel. The user needs to specify a caption/image for the button and then add child items. A child item can be a product button, a blank button or another button of custom type.
e. Blank: A blank type button will not require a caption and would simply be rendered as white space or a separator, to help organize other buttons. This button is not clickable.
2. Caption Type: The user can select the type of information that will be displayed on the button in the POS Transaction Information Grid.
3. Caption: Enter the label for the field to be shown at POS.
4. Product: Based on the option selected in Button type field, values can be select in the product field. E.g. In case the user selects product as the Button type, the user can only select from the product list, similarly if product group is selected, the user can only select a value from the product group list in the product field.
5. Product Image: The user checks this option if they want to show an image on the button at the POS.
6. Group Number: Enter a group number to classify items into specific groups. Products of the same group are displayed together.
7. Color: Choose a color to highlight any button in the panel.
8. Active: Specify if the button is active or not.
9. Font Color: Choose a specific font color for the button panel. This option will only be visible when the Type selected is ‘QuickButtonPanel’.
10. Bold: This setting makes the text bold inside the button.
11. Font Size: The user can choose the font size for the button in the panel.
There are other options available at the bottom of the screen.
1. [Add Row]: Add new row for the user to setup values.
2. [Delete Row]: Delete selected row.
3. [Up] / [Down]: Select the field name from the detail section and click [Up] button to move this search criterion up in the sequence. Select the field name from the detail section and click [Down] button to move this search criterion down in the sequence.
4. [Add Detail Row]: This button is visible only when the Section Type is set to QuickButtonPanel. Clicking this button will create a child level button for the selected quick button in the grid. Click [Ok] to save all changes made.
Now navigate to Retail Configuration > Retail profile > Transaction Screen Settings.
In the Quick Button Panel field select the Quick Button ID entered in POS Transaction Info Grid menu.
Once the quick buttons are configured in iVend Management Console, log into the iVend Retail POS to see the changes made.
This completes the KB on Quick button panel configuration in iVend POS

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