How to Inactive a product created in iVend

How to Inactive a product created in iVend

Environment :

iVend 6.6 

Problem statement:

How to Inactive a product created in iVend

Symptoms :


Resolution/Work Around:

iVend does not allow us to delete the product once it is created.
As an alternative workaround, Follow below process with one product and check behavior.
1: Login in iVend Management Console.
Go To: Operations Tab >> Inventory Products.
2: Search the product and click on Edit button, and apply the changes.
#: Uncheck Saleable.
#: Uncheck Purchasable.
#: Uncheck Refundable.
#: Uncheck Exchangeable
#: Check the check box Is Product ON HOLD. And then click on OK button.
Restart MC and POS to apply changes.
If iVend is Integrated with SAP B1 then require to mark item Inactive in SAP.

It will generate Integration Events From SAP to iVend and mark the item ON HOLD .

And if Item is ON HOLD in iVend and When user try to scan item on POS it will show message 'Product is on Hold"

Recommendations /Suggestion:

If you have any transaction with the problematic products iVend will not work with such transactions like Refund, Coupon redeem, Exchange etc. When you will update the below flag with product make sure all these products don't have any inventory/Qty.