How to find out that what product information used in line item through scan area over the POS.

How to find out that what product information used in line item through scan area over the POS.


How to find out that what product information ( product ID / product barcode ) used in line item through scan area over the POS


iVend Version 6.6 with SAPB1 10



How to find out that what product information ( product ID / product barcode ) used in line item through scan area over the POS.

Resolution/Work Around

We can check in field ' ScannedBarcode ' over the table 'TrxTransactionSaleItem '.

Kindly find the below scenario.

1. Use product id in scan area over the point of sale and complete the transaction


Product ID will show in field ' ScannedBarcode ' over the table 'TrxTransactionSaleItem 


 2. Use barcode in scan area over the point of sale and complete the transaction

Barcode will show in field ' ScannedBarcode ' over the table 'TrxTransactionSaleItem

3.Search product through search button and complete the transaction


 ' ScannedBarcode ' field is showing  blank over in table 'TrxTransactionSaleItem. 




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