How to check if Integration service is working fine or not (means records are syncing or not)?

How to check if Integration service is working fine or not (means records are syncing or not)?


 Not the version specific


 How to identify if integration service is working fine or not?


 When there are less number of records in the integration monitor then we can easily recognize whether records are moving or not.

However, if there are huge records in the monitor then it becomes tough to understand if records are actually moving or not?
So we can use below queries to identify if integration service is working or not:
1) For the records from iVend to SAP monitor:
 (Below queries should be executed in the Enterprise SQL server Database)
 Select Count (*) as "Total Processed/Synced Records into SAP" from RepIntegrationLog where Flag = 1
Above query gives the result of "Total Processed/Synced Records into SAP", run this query in few mins interval and check if number of records are increasing or not?

If records are increasing means, Integration service is running fine and records are moving and syncing to SAP successfully, if no change means, integration service is not working fine.
Select Count (*) as "Total Failed Records" from RepIntegrationLog where Status = 1
Above query gives the result of "Total Failed Records", run this query in few mins interval and check if number of records are increasing or not?
If records are increasing means, Integration service is running fine and records are not moving and syncing to SAP however getting failed due to any reason, if no change means, integration service is not working fine.
 Any of the above queries shows that records are increasing, it means integration service is running fine. 
Select Count (*) as "Total Unprocessed Records (including failed records)" from RepIntegrationLog where Flag = 0
Above query gives the result of "Total Unprocessed Records (including failed records)", run this query in few mins interval and check if number of records are increasing or not?
If records are increasing means, new records are coming in the integration monitor, if no change means, new records are not coming in the monitor. This query does not help to determine if integration service is running fine or not.
2) For the records from SAP to iVend monitor:
 (Below queries should be executed in the CXSIntegration SQL server Database)
 Select Count (*) as "Total Processed/Synced Records into iVend" from "RepIntegrationLog" where "Flag" = '1' and "DBName" = <'Put the SAP Database Name here'>
Above query gives the result of "Total Processed/Synced Records into iVend", run this query in few mins interval and check if number of records are increasing or not?
If records are increasing means, Integration service is running fine and records are moving and syncing to iVend successfully, if no change means, integration service is not working fine.
Select Count (*) as "Total Failed Records" from "RepIntegrationLog" where "Status" = '1' and "DBName" = <'Put the SAP Database Name here'>
Above query gives the result of "Total Failed Records", run this query in few mins interval and check if number of records are increasing or not?
If records are increasing means, Integration service is running fine and records are not moving and syncing to iVend however getting failed due to any reason, if no change means, integration service is not working fine.
Note: Any of the above queries shows that records are increasing, it means integration service is running fine. 
Select Count (*) as "Total Unprocessed Records (including failed records)" from "RepIntegrationLog" where "Flag" = '0' and "DBName" = <'Put the SAP Database Name here'>
Above query gives the result of "Total Unprocessed Records (including failed records)", run this query in few mins interval and check if number of records are increasing or not?
If records are increasing means, new records are coming in the integration monitor, if no change means, new records are not coming in the monitor. This query does not help to determine if integration service is running fine or not.
Note: This KB article stands true in the environment where Transaction Rollup (Consolidation) is not enabled.
This KB article concludes here.