Hardware Setup for the POS

Hardware Setup for the POS

Configuring Hardware Peripherals for iVend POS

In this topic we will look at the steps required to setup, install and configure the Hardware Profile for the POS, including two main hardware components that are connected to the POS that operate using OPOS drivers – these are:
· OPOS Epson Receipt Printer (Example used: TM-T20)
· OPOS Epson Cash Drawer (Example used: Cash Drawer attached to TM-T20)
There are many makes and models of OPOS driven Receipt Printers and Cash Drawers that are supported with iVend Retail. Please refer to the separate document available on the CitiXsys Knowledge Portal at the Document Store for further details – Hardware and Software Specification Guide.
In this guide we will use the Epson TM-T20 as an example.
The sections covered in this topic include:
· Hardware Registration
· Hardware Profile
· POS Settings for Hardware Profile
· Installing and Configuring the OPOS drivers
· Adding Devices – Receipt Printer and Cash Drawer

Hardware Registration

This feature enables the user to register the hardware DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries) for the hardware devices such as the Receipt Printer and Cash Drawer that will be used at the POS. It is a requirement to register a DLL for every hardware device that is setup to use with the iVend Retail system.
To open the screen, in the Management Console, navigate to and choose:
Administration > Retail Configuration > Hardware Registration

Search Screen



Search Criteria


Enter the code of the hardware device to filter the search results by. By default, the system will display all hardware devices that have been registered in the system.


Enter the description of the hardware device to filter the search results by.

Hardware Type

Select a Hardware Type from the drop-down to filter the search results by.

Search Results


This field displays the code of the hardware device registered.


This field displays the description of the hardware device registered.

To register a new Hardware Device, press the [F3 New] button.

Setup Screen


General Screen


Enter a unique code for the hardware device to a maximum of 20 alpha-numeric characters.

Example: EpsonTM-T20


Enter a description for the hardware device to a maximum of 100 alpha-numeric characters.

Example: Epson TM-T20

Hardware Type

Select the hardware type from the drop-down list for the hardware device – valid values are:

· Receipt Printer

· Document Printer

· Cash Drawer

· Pole Display

· Magstripe Reader

· Scale


· Signature Capture

· Barcode Reader

· Fiscal Printer

· Electronic Invoice


Select the hardware (OPOS) device from the drop-down list that is relevant to the Hardware Type selected.

Assembly Name

This field will display the assembly name for the DLL. The value in this field is automatically displayed upon selection of the Hardware Type and Hardware (OPOS) device in the previous fields.

Class Name

This field will display the class name available in the DLL. The value in this field is automatically displayed upon selection of the Hardware Type and Hardware (OPOS) device in the previous fields.



Click this button to configure the settings for the selected hardware device – the settings will vary depending on the Hardware device selected and will be populated in many instances with the most commonly used default values however, these can be adjusted as required. Use the specific Hardware Setup guide that is provided with the hardware device to confirm the settings.

Settings Include:

· Device Name (Set the device name as per the Hardware setup guide provided by the hardware supplier, example – TM-T20)

· Time Out (Default = 0)

· Number of Columns (Receipt Printer Default = 4)

· Character Set or Code Page (Default = 1252)

· Convert to Kilogram (Scale device)

· Width and Height (Signature Capture device)


Selecting this button will save the changes made, the database will be updated, the new hardware device will be added to the system and the screen will close.


Selecting this button will not save any changes made, the database will not be updated, the hardware device will not be added to the system and the screen will close.

The following screen images illustrate the setup required to register the Receipt Printer and the Cash Drawer:

Receipt Printer – General Screen

Receipt Printer – Configuration Screen

Cash Drawer – General Screen

Cash Drawer – Configuration Screen

Hardware Profile

The feature enables the user to setup a hardware profile for the hardware devices that have been registered in the system that will be used at the store for the POS.
Before the hardware is connected to the POS, the Hardware Profile must be setup. If hardware devices, such as a Receipt Printer and Cash Drawer are not connected to every POS in the store then it is not mandatory to assign a hardware profile to them however, it is recommended to perform this step as a measure of good practise. A Hardware Profile can be assigned at the store level in addition to the POS.
To open the screen, in the Management Console, navigate to and choose:
Administration > Retail Configuration > Hardware Profile

Search Screen

Search Criteria


Enter the code of the Hardware Profile to filter the search results by. By default, the system will display all Hardware Profiles that have been registered in the system.


Enter the description of the Hardware Profile to filter the search results by.

Search Results


This field displays the code of the Hardware Profile that was searched on.


This field displays the description of the Hardware Profile that was searched on.

To Create a new Hardware Profile, press the [F3 New] button.

Setup Screen


Enter a unique code for the Hardware Profile to a maximum of 20 alpha-numeric characters.


Enter a description for the Hardware Profile to a maximum of 100 alpha-numeric characters.

Hardware Device List

Use the radio […] buttons next to each device in the list to open the Hardware Registration Search screen, then look-up and select the registered hardware devices that are relevant to each hardware classification – refer to the following screen image for guidance.

We can see in our example below that we have defined the Receipt Printer and the Cash Drawer that we wish to assign to the Hardware Profile that will then be linked to the POS.

It is not mandatory to assign a hardware device to every hardware classification in the Hardware Profile.

Show Customer Facing Display

Select this option if a Customer Facing Display will be used with the POS otherwise leave this unchecked if there will be no optional display used.


Selecting this button will save the changes made, the database will be updated, the new Hardware Profile will be added to the system and the screen will close.


Selecting this button will not save any changes made, the database will not be updated, the Hardware Profile will not be added to the system and the screen will close.

The following screen image illustrates the setup required to create the Hardware Profile to include the Registered Hardware Devices that we setup earlier, which are the OPOS driven Receipt Printer and the Cash Drawer:

Hardware Profile – General Screen

POS Setup – General Screen

The Hardware Profile is assigned to the POS. The user can select a Hardware Profile from the list of available profiles by clicking on the radio [...] button to open the Hardware Profile Search screen. The Hardware Profile selected includes the registered hardware devices that we created earlier, which are the Receipt Printer and the Cash Drawer.

The Hardware Id is a system generated unique key for each Hardware Profile, which is applied when the user first logs into the POS. Once the hardware key is assigned, the POS cannot then be assigned to any other machine. If the user needs to assign the POS to another machine, then the Hardware Id must first be removed by clicking on the X icon next to field to clear the value, then the user would need to press the [Ok] button to commit their changes to the database.

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