GRPO Location Error

GRPO Location Error


iVend 6.6

Problem Statement:

GRPO Location Error

Proposed Solution:

While creating a new GRPO in-store, an error message shows "Setup Default Location For Warehouse. We need to define the default location for the warehouse. Once we map the default location for the warehouse we create the GRPO it will be created and submitted successfully.

Steps to be Performed:

1. Go to the Good Receipt PO screen and create the record.

2. While creating the GRPO, when clicking on the ok button, the error message shows  ‘Setup Default Location For Warehouse’.

3. Go to the Warehouse screen and check the default location for the warehouse.

4. Verify whether the default location is mapped or not.

5. If the default location is not mapped, select the default location and save the record.

6. Go to the Good Receipt PO screen and try to create the record.

7. Now create a Good Receipt PO and click on ok to submit.

8. Good Receipt PO will be created and submitted successfully.