Good Receipt Format for Import Batch item with batch expiry date.

Good Receipt Format for Import Batch item with batch expiry date.

Product version:

iVend 6.5 update 6

Problem Statement:

Customers need to import Batch Managed item on Store MC-->Goods Receipt screen, with batch expiry date.

Proposed Solution:

Suggested to  import the data in the following format using the delimiter mentioned in the retail profile settings. Format attach.

  1. Product Barcode

  2. Quantity

  3. Serial/Batch Number

  4. Expiry Date in yyyyMMdd

  5. Manufacturing Date yyyyMMdd

  6. Admission Date yyyyMMdd


  8. Price

For e.g.   P0001,12,B0001,20201231,20190609,Goods Receipt, 190

P0001 : Product Code/Barcode

12: Quantity

B0001: Batch Number

20201231 : Expiry Date

[Blank]: Manufacturing Date

20190609: Admission Date

Goods Receipt: Comments

190: Price of the Batch

Steps if any:




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