Getting integration error "System.Exception: DI:To generate this document, first define the number
Problem Statement
Integration error "generate this document, first define the numbering series in the Administration module"
Issue in detail
Getting integration error "System.Exception: DI:To generate this document, first define the numbering series in the Administration module”.
Proposed solution/workaround
We checked integration error

"System.Exception: DI:To generate this document, first define the numbering series in the Administration module”.
We checked the default document number series in SAP for the warehouse CSB01 and it was configured correctly.
We changed the default number series for Inventory Transaction, Invoice and Credit memo in SAP for time being just to check is Integration events status but record stuck again with different error message

“System.Exception: DI:This entry already exists in the following tables (ODBC -2035)”
Then we revert back the default document number service except for Credit memo and then retried the event once again. This time Integration went pass and document has been integrated to SAP.
We have reverted the default document number series for Credit Memo at the end