Getting an error "ID already exists" while merging the two inventory count open transactions

Getting an error "ID already exists" while merging the two inventory count open transactions

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iVend 6.6, Patch: 7723 and until patch 7915


Getting an error "ID already exists" while merging the two inventory count open transactions.

When doing physical inventory counts/stock takes in the store however unable to merge the individual counts within a given location.  After selecting the counts and clicking "Merge" the customer gets an error that "Id already exists". Below is the Screenshot (in this case just trying to merge the first 2 but they get the same error regardless of how many and which counts they select).

Below are the steps and configuration:
1. Create the document Series in Administrtion >> System Initialization >> Document Number Series
define the series as below configuration
Store: Select Store
Document Type : InventoryCount
Prefix :COUNT
Start Number : 000000000448
End Number : 000000000999

2. Create the inventory count on Operations >> Business Transaction >> Inventory Counting
Create 4 documents.
3. Select Any two documents and Click on the merge button.
4. Now again Select the remaining two documents and click on merge it will show the error as above.


You can only have 1 open merged count record at a time (they always get that same ID and the system seemingly allows duplicate count IDs but ONLY if they are in a closed status). There was one remaining item in the existing merged count that we reconciled and then that count was closed and we were able to continue with merging and reconciling the next locations' counts (one at a time).

So this is a bug in design.


This issue is fix in latest version of iVend.

This KB article concludes here.