General Settings in SAP Business One

General Settings in SAP Business One


The iVend Add-on helps in setting up some configurations required for integrating iVend with SAP Business One. The following sections of this document capture the functionality of the new screens created and new fields added to the SAP Business One standard screens for the integration.

iVend Retail integrates with SAP Business One using the standard DI APIs provided as a part of SAP Business One Software Development Kit. iVend Retail also integrates UDFs (User Defined Fields) defined on the Business Partner and Item Master in SAP Business One into iVend Retail.

To start with, iVend has a few areas that need to be setup in SAP Business One. This process is named as the Initialization process.

To open the iVend Retail Add-on setup within SAP Business One go to Administration > System Initialization >  iVend Retail

Retail Setting:

This screen captures the basic settings for integration with SAP Business One. This is the initial step in the Retail Initialization process. It consists of numerous settings to be setup which are required to run iVend Retail in an integrated mode with SAP Business One.

What follows is a brief overview of the settings which are mandatory:

1. Integrated With Item Matrix :

Select this option if the CitiXsys Item Matrix Add-on is installed and it is desired that iVend is integrated with Item Matrix.

2. Integrated With Argentis :

Select this option if the Argentis Add-on is installed and it is desired that iVend is integrated with Argentis.

3. Restrict Transaction from Retail Warehouse :

Select this option to restrict postings to the Store Warehouses (warehouses which are marked as Retail Store in the Warehouse-Setup) from within the SAP Business One screens.

This option ensures that inventory within the Store Warehouses is not impacted accidently by Back Office transactions from within SAP Business One.

4. Till Variance Integration :

POS variances can be posted to SAP Business One if this checkbox is enabled. These variances are the Cash Till variances.

5. Create Negative Incoming Payment for Credit Card / Check Payment

Select this option if any refund through Credit Card or Check (Cheque) needs to be posted as negative Incoming Payments in SAP Business One. If this option is unchecked then the refunds in iVend would create an Outgoing Payment in SAP Business One.

6. Split Payment by Foreign Currency

Check this flag if you want to create a separate Incoming Payment for each foreign currency defined in the system in case the payments are performed with foreign currency at the POS.

7. Enable Product Image Integration

Check this flag if you would like to sync the product images with iVend Retail.

8. iVend API URL

Specify iVend API URL if the integration is configured with the iVend API.

Note: Apart from the above there are various other settings which are essential from business to business. Please refer to the iVend Business One Add on Help file for more information.

Retail Warehouse:

A warehouse setup as a Retail Store in the Warehouse-Setup is also termed as a Retail Warehouse. Unless the Warehouse is setup with the Retail Store flag, then it will not make the Warehouse a Retail Store in iVend.

Retail Initialization:

This process will replicate all Master Data (for masters listed in the Retail Initialization screen) from SAP Business One to iVend. The initialization process is necessary to setup iVend Retail. This screen lists all the masters that need to be replicated to iVend on initialization and the status of the initialization.

The initialization process should to be run only once after the setup of all master data in SAP Business One, the installation of iVend Retail and the configuration of iVend Services.

Retail Tender:

This screen is used to map the credit cards setup in SAP Business One with the various payment processors and payment types in iVend Retail such as Debit Cards, Vouchers, Travellers Cheques, etc. Along with these, any Custom tenders created in iVend, will also be mapped in the Retail Tender screen to ensure related transactions will be posted back in SAP Business One.

To open the Retail Tender screen, go to: Administration > System Initialization > iVend Retail > Retail Tender

Set BP Currency to All Currencies:

Since a Business Partner (Customer and Vendor) can transact in multiple currencies in iVend and even though they may be setup with a specific foreign currency in SAP Business One, it is still recommended to convert the Currency setting for all such Business Partners to All Currencies.

This screen lists all Business Partners, which are setup with a specific foreign currency. Clicking the [Convert] button will run a batch process to convert the Currency setting for all the listed Business Partners to All Currencies.

Convert Open Request to SAP Stock Transfer Request:

This screen enables the user to view open requests which were created before upgrading to iVend 6.5 and convert those requests to SAP Business One Inventory Transfer Requests.

To open the Convert Open Request to SAP Stock transfer Request screen, choose: Administration > System Initialization > iVend Retail > Convert Open Request to SAP Stock Transfer Request

Till Variance Log:

This screen displays the variance between the system count and the physical count of the amounts on finalizing the tills for different tender types (Payment Types) defined in iVend. The user can see all the variances or only the open ones by specifying the filter criteria in the Till Variance Log – Selection Criteria screen.

Since the variance in cash is automatically posted to the Tender Variance account, which is setup in the Retail Setting screen, the details of variances in cash will always have the status as Closed. The variance in the other tender types need to be posted manually. After manual reconciliation for other tender types, the user can select the variance line manually and from the context menu choose the Close option to close the variance line. To open the Till Variance Log screen, choose: Administration > System Initialization > iVend Retail > Till Variance Log.

Set Item Management Method to On Every Transaction:

This screen enables the user to change the Management Method of the serial and batch tracked items to On Every Transaction. This is needed as iVend requires the serial/batch number of the Serial or Batch managed items as soon as a transaction is performed, whether the goods are being received/issued or are being sold.

This screen displays all the Items for which the Management Method is not set to “On Every Transaction”. Clicking the [Convert] button will run a batch process to convert the management method of all the listed items to On Every Transaction.

To open the Set Item Management Method to On Every Transaction screen, choose: Administration > System Initialization > iVend Retail > Set Item Management Method to On Every Transaction

This activity needs to be completed before the Retail Initialization process. The initialization will not proceed without running this process first.

Master Data UDF Integration:

This screen is used to select various UDFs that could have been created on Master records such as: Items, Customers, Vendors, Item Groups, Sales Employees, Warehouses, Manufacturers, Shipping Types, Customer Groups, Surcharges, Addresses, Contacts, Tax Objects, etc. The selected UDFs can then be integrated with iVend.

The user can filter the UDFs which need to be integrated and those that do not need to be integrated with iVend by using the selection criteria available.

To open the Master Data UDF Integration screen, choose: Administration > System Initialization > iVend Retail > Master Data UDF Integration

The above screen image shows a grid that displays a list of non-integrated and integrated UDFs, which indicates the available or pending UDFs that are available to be integrated and the UDFs that have already been synchronised with iVend.

User Defined Table Integration

This screen is used to select User Defined Tables (UDTs) in the SAP Business One database that need to be integrated with iVend. These are the UDTs created in SAP Business One.

Non-integrated UDTs: This grid lists all the UDTs that have not yet been integrated with iVend.

Note: The screen displays only UDTs which are of the “Non-Object” type.

Integrated UDTs:  This grid lists all the UDTs that have been integrated with iVend.

User Defined Object Integration:

This option is used to select various User Defined Objects (UDOs) in the SAP Business One database that need to be integrated with iVend.

To open the User Defined Object Integration screen, choose: Administration > System Initialization > iVend Retail > User Defined Object Integration

The data integration flow will be from SAP Business one to iVend.

Alerts Setup:

As and when any Master Data gets integrated from iVend to SAP Business One, an alert is generated to SAP Business One informing the object type and the record that was integrated to SAP Business One.
This screen enables the user to filter the Object-wise Alerts that they wish to receive in SAP Business One. To open the Alerts Setup screen, choose: Administration > System Initialization > iVend Retail > Alerts Setup.

Alerts can be configured for the listed and available objects.

iVend Transaction Reconciliation

This screen enables the user to reconcile the various transactions done in iVend and the ones that were integrated in SAP Business One. To open the iVend Transaction Reconciliation screen, choose: Administration > System Initialization > iVend Retail > iVend Transaction Reconciliation

Version Information:

This screen displays the iVend Add-on version and the database script version (Build) installed in SAP Business One. To open the Retail Initialization screen, choose: Administration > System Initialization > iVend Retail > Version Information

For the more information please refer SAP Business one iVend Add-On Installation document.

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