From Warehouse must be General Warehouse OR To Warehouse at line level must be Intransit Warehouse

From Warehouse must be General Warehouse OR To Warehouse at line level must be Intransit Warehouse


iVend Version 6.6 and SAP B1

Problem Statement:

Error in stock transfer when user is doing a stock transfer from retail warehouse in SAP to any other retail warehouse it causes an error when they click the For Store button.
Error message: “From Warehouse must be General Warehouse OR To Warehouse at line level must be Intransit Warehouse of the Store OR To Warehouse must be the Store at header level"


It was observed that in stock transfer, both from and to warehouse were retail type warehouse.
Resolution/Work Around:
Error will appear because when 'for store' parameter is ticked, retail to retail stock transfer is not possible.

Recommendations /Suggestion:

Not Applicable