Fix for Store Backup issue with TLS1.2 for iVend Cloud Customer

Fix for Store Backup issue with TLS1.2 for iVend Cloud Customer

************************** Internal to Citixsys Support ***************


iVend 6.6 7989 integrated with SAPB1 deployed on Cloud

Problem Statement: 

Cloud Customers with TLS 1.2 enabled iVend HO MC, are not able to create Store backup files from iVend HO Cloud MC 


1.It will work only for those iVend cloud customers , using iVend 6.6 7989 & if any iVend cloud customer using older 6.6 patch, it will be required to first update on patch 7989 and then a fix can be applied ( Discuss with Gaurav/Nikhil/Atul/Rajesh if it is required) 

2. This article is created only for the Support team and all the steps mentioned therein must be done  in the guidance of the product experts.

3. if iVend MC File display the error message :

 <Message>Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlClrProvider, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.</Message>


then need to share the files from "Dependencies folder" and "Configuration Manager Exe" from FTP Link



Resolution/Work Around:

Development team shared the fix. Below are the steps to deployed fix.Fix can be download from below link


A) iVend Cloud HO: 

a) CXS Infra Team will install: Need to inform them 

1. Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable (x64)  (VC_redist.x64.exe) (a lower version of this might be installed already )

2. Install Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server (msodbcsql.msi)

3. Install Microsoft Command Line Utilities 15 for SQL Server (MsSqlCmdLnUtils.msi) (This will install bcp.exe)

b) Take the backup of  

i) iVend HO MC folder  

ii) iVend Configuration Manager 

c)  Copy Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlClrProvider.dll (version 13.0.14500.10) to ManagementConsole folder

d)  Copy the MC & Configuration Folder

e) Check if iVend Cloud HO MC is getting opened or not 

f)  Ask Customer to create Store/Offline POS backup from iVend Cloud HO MC.

B) Customer Store Machine: 

If customer is using iVend MC Store and want to initialize the Store on Store MC

a) Take the backup of

 i) iVend Store MC folder 

ii) iVend Configuration Manager

b) Copy Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlClrProvider.dll (version 13.0.14500.10) to ManagementConsole folder from Dependencies folder

c) Copy the file on MC & Configuration Folder

d) Check if iVend Store MC is getting opened or not after store initialization

e) Check if iVend Store MC is getting opened or not after store initialization 

C) Offline POS Machine:

If customer is using iVend Offline POS  and want to initialize the Offline POS on POS machine

a) Take the backup of iVend Offline POS folder

b) Copy the POS files into this POS folder only

c) After that initialize the Offline POS with HO MC Store backup file.

Recommendations /Suggestion: 

1.This fix is only for iVend Cloud Customers.

2. It is applicable for iVend 6.6 7989 & above

3. Its tracker is updated at

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