Error Payment Processor :UNAUTH TRANS Please swipe card again or try another card.

Error Payment Processor :UNAUTH TRANS Please swipe card again or try another card.

Problem Statement

The Terminal ID field in the POS setup screen is blank.


iVend 6.6 7989 with SAP B1


Error Payment Processor: UNAUTH TRANS Please swipe card again or try another card.

The error message found in POS log  "Terminal ID is blank. Please enter valid Terminal ID value in Payment Processor Unique Identifier field on POS setup screen ".

Transactions may not process successfully.


Enter a valid Terminal ID in the Terminal ID field in the POS setup screen.

The Terminal ID can be found from the payment processor.

If the Terminal ID is not mandatory, as transactions are processed successfully, then users can be suggested  to put some three digit number (like 100,101,102,...) on the POS setup screen "Payment Processor Unique Identifier" field, for each POS.


Upgrade to the latest version of iVend to fix the issue permanently.

The error is caused by a blank Terminal ID field in the POS setup screen.

The error can be fixed by entering a valid Terminal ID in the Terminal ID field.

The Terminal ID is a unique identifier assigned to your POS terminal by your payment processor.

You can find your Terminal ID from your payment processor.