Error Payment Processor:POS LU ERR A3 Please swipe the card again or try with other card

Error Payment Processor:POS LU ERR A3 Please swipe the card again or try with other card


iVend 6.6

Problem Statement

At the time of payment from credit Card message appear
“Error Payment Processor:POS LU ERR A3 Please swipe the card again or try with other card.”



Resolution/Work Around

“POS LU ERR A3 102” is an error resulting from an expired or absent TSYS Gen Key. Sometimes Gen Keys need to be re-acquired to resolve this error.
You can go through below url  to update the TSYS Gen Key:

1Login to PSCS.

2Click "Change Activated Stage File" from the Main Menu.

3Search for the deployment you want to edit. Click "Select" next to the deployment you want to edit.

4Check "Yes" for the "Acquire Generated Key" radio button.

5Click "Continue".

6Click "Return to Main Menu" once the deployment is saved.



Reload Parameters.

After the changes are done on Data Cap System Portal, the customer much reloads parameters on ALL credit card devices that are working with given Deployment ID

Recommendations /Suggestion