Error "Inventory Status updated from enterprise server failed" while using Retrieve from Server

Error "Inventory Status updated from enterprise server failed" while using Retrieve from Server

*******Internal to CitiXsys*******


iVend 6.6 patch 7574 with SAP B1 9.3

Problem Statement:

Getting an error while using Retrieve from Server functionality at Store Server. Whenever trying to view item inventory at Store Management Console using Retrieve from Server, the client was getting the mentioned error message.
"Inventory Status updated from enterprise server failed"
When we checked the Management Console Log file, we found the below error message: -
 <Message>Incorrect syntax near '00000'.</Message>
 <Message>Incorrect syntax near '00000'.</Message>
 We ran the SQL profiler and as per the analysis below query was causing an issue
Update InvInventoryItem Set
AvailableQuantity = 0,00000
,InStockQuantity = 0,00000
,InReturnQuantity = 0,00000
,LostQuantity= 0,00000
,OnLayawayQuantity= 0,00000
,OnOrderQuantity= 0,00000
,OnFulFillmentQuantity= 0,00000
,KitsAvailableToBuild= 0
,AssembliesAvailableToBuild= 0
,InTransitQuantity= 0,00000
,AllocatedQuantity= 0,00000
,ReservedQuantity= 0,00000
,Modified = GetDate()
Where WarehouseKey = '1000000000000001' And ProductKey = '1000000000000001'


Issue reported in  6.6 patch 7574. The issue is reportedly fixed in latest patch available . Ask customer to apply the latest patch