Error coming up while trying to create a Mobile POS

Error coming up while trying to create a Mobile POS

Environment :

iVend 6.6

Problem statement :

Each time customer is creating a Mobile POS this message appears in RED
('iVend API address not specified for Store ****** ')

Symptoms :


Resolution/Work Around:

iVend mobile POS needs API to communicate with store server, hence the API needs to be installed on store.
If the API service is not installed on store then following steps are needed to be performed:
1. check once all the replication is clear to and from the store.
2. need to install ivend on the store server with API.
3. Install the ivend as a new DB
4. After installation, configure iVend with the old DB ----------------------(most important and careful step)
5. After configuring replication, API and other configurations, apply the patch manually on store (same patch as on HO)
Recommendations /Suggestion:
suggest to do the installation on the test server first, and after that move to production systems.