Error at MC "Not enough quantity available in In-transit warehouse" while receiving Stock Transfer

Error at MC "Not enough quantity available in In-transit warehouse" while receiving Stock Transfer

For Internal Use

Product Version:
6.5 Update 6

Problem statement:

  • An issue occurring where customer has done a Stock transfer in SAP (marked as for store), it has integrated to iVend Enterprise, then replicated down to the store, the transfer is at the store however when the store tries to receive the item a error message is appearing which says that "Not enough quantity available in In-transit warehouse. Then checked the Quantity in the In-transit warehouse and found that there is not enough quantity (i.e they are trying to receive 5 units, but only 1 is available).

  • When checked in SAP and Enterprise the correct quantity is available i.e 5 for the item in the corresponding warehouse.

  • Customer checked Integration and replication monitor are clear.

Need to run SQL queries and to match the quantity for that item and warehouse at Store (same as Enterprise and SAP) in InvInventoryItem table (InStockQuantity, AvailableQuantity columns) after that customer should be able to receive the ST successfully.

NB: Such a scenario should be discussed with the available manager before running the queries.