Error at login to MC screen "License entitlement violation. Please login with user 1"

Error at login to MC screen "License entitlement violation. Please login with user 1"


Not version specific


Getting error after login to Management Console screen "License entitlement violation. Please login with user 1 on iVend Enterprise to fix the issue" and does not allow to use the MC.
Below is the screenshot for the reference:

Cause and Analysis of the issue: 

Excerpt from the MC log file:
<Time>08:37:42 a.m.</Time>
<Message>Loyalty Card Count Exceeded</Message>
Which gives indication that there is issue with Loyalty card count.
Below is one example:

Screenshot of the License information from the HO MC, which shows that Loyalty cards are having Entitlement balance in minus (-2) which means Loyalty cards are issued for the license allowed:


Run below query at HO Database:
Select Count(*) from LoyLoyaltyCardInformation where IsActive =1
This query gives the active Loyalty cards count. Here in this example result was more 3000 hence causing the issue.
So Loyalty card license exceed than the License allocated. So mark the loyalty cards in-active those are not in use. And then try to login.
Follow the below steps to mark loyalty card as in-active at HO MC:
1. Login HO Management Console with User 1
2. Go to Operations > Loyalty > Loyalty Card.
3. Open the Loyalty Card in edit mode and look for the checkbox Active and un-check this checkbox.
4. Save the change.
This exercise will free the License of Loyalty cards and issue should be resolved.

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