Duplicate Stock Transfer Shipment

Duplicate Stock Transfer Shipment


iVend 6.5 Update 6

Problem Statement: 

While making a Stock Transfer receipt on receiving store MC, the user noticed that Stock Transfer Shipment is duplicated.

Proposed Solution:


Check If stock Transfer Shipment Series is defined or not in iVend MC > Document Number Series


SQL Query - select * from RtlStore

select IsActive,StoreKey,DocumentType, * from RtlPOSDocumentNumberSeries


From SQL Check whether the document type stock transfer is defined or not if defined then check it’s state, whether it’s active or not and is correctly mapped to the required store or not.

Document type column Stores the document type value for which the user wants to generate a number series. Valid value for StockTransfer = 1.



Every Stock Transfer Shipment contains a Request Number. If the series is not defined in iVend MC, users may put a manual number on the Stock Transfer Shipment document. If it is duplicated, there is need to check if both stock Transfer shipment contains the same request number and same line items with their quantities




SQL Query- select RequestNumber,Status,* from InvStockTransferRequest

select StockTransferRequestKey,status, Quantity,Description, * from InvStockTransferRequestDetail




 If the quantity of products is less than required as per stock transfer shipment, there is a need to check the product’s quantity available on the Enterprise MC. 

SQL Query- select * from InvProduct where ProductKey= 'enter product key'

                 select ProductKey, WarehouseKey,* from InvInventoryItem where ProductKey= 'enter product key'


Check the column ‘InStockQuantity’ from the table 'InvInventoryItem' for checking the product quantity available.




If both stock transfer shipments contain the same stock Transfer Shipment Request number and same items, there is a need to check duplicate Integration Service and Replication service. 

Same Integration Service shouldn’t be configured with the same SAPB1, CXSIntegration & iVend HO Database anywhere in the system.



If found duplicate integration service, disable one of them from Windows Service Screen



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