Discount On Total of Sale Transaction: Header level discount

Discount On Total of Sale Transaction: Header level discount

Environment : 

iVend 6.6 with SAPB1 

Problem Statement : 

Customer wants to apply header level discount for the sale transaction without any pre fix discount for the sale items.

Scenario : 

customer  walked in to store, he purchase items and total bill is USD 92, he paid USD 95 but cashier don't have coins so he simply said customer can pay USD 90 and in system he mentioned USD 2 as discount so how can cashier enter the USD 2 as discount in POS ?

Symptoms : NA

Resolution/Work Around : 

Suggest to edit the sale then put the discounted amount and complete the payment so using this functionality we can achieve the header level discount without any pre fix discount for the products.

Recommendations /Suggestion : N/A