Discount Determination and Conflict Resolution

Discount Determination and Conflict Resolution

iVend Retail POS - Discount Determination and Conflict Resolution

Why is Discount Resolution needed?

Discounts on transactions can be defined from different sources in iVend POS, i.e. Period and Volume discounts, Customer Group discounts, Coupons, Promotions, Manual discounts, etc. There could be a scenario where more than one discount could be available on one single item defined from different sources. iVend Retail Discount Resolution Setup methods allows for the configuring of rules for handling such situations.

Configuration Process

The following is the process for configuring Discount Resolution in iVend Retail.

In iVend Retail, discounts are classified in following four main types:
  1. Manual Discount: Discounts provided in the POS transaction by the user via the Item Edit or Sale Edit options are classified as Manual Discounts.
  2. System Discount: Customer Group discounts, Item Group discounts, Period and Volume discounts, Manufacturer discounts, Upsell discounts, etc. are classified as System Discounts.
  3. Coupon Discount: Coupons in iVend are another way to provide discounts to customers. All discounts triggered on applying coupons are classified as Coupon Discounts.
  4. Promotion Discount: Discounts can be provided to customers under different promotion schemes in Bonus Buys and these schemes would be applied as per the hierarchy defined under the Bonus Buys Hierarchy setup screen.
In order to arrive at the discount to be applied on the items, iVend Retail provides the option to define the Discount Resolution Setup in order to resolve any conflicts in the calculation of the discount amount to be applied within one discount group or across different discount groups.

How to configure Discount Resolution Setup

In the Management Console, go to: Administration > Retail Configuration > Discount Resolution Setup

(Step 1) General - Define the Discount Groups (Each discount group is assigned a Group number from 1 to 4)
Manual Discount
Drop Down
Specify the Group number in which the Manual discount will fall.
System Discount
Drop Down
Specify the Group number in which the System discount will fall
Coupon Discount
Drop Down
Specify the Group number in which the Coupon discount will fall
Promotion Discount
Drop Down
Specify the Group number in which the Promotion discount will fall
(Step 2) Discount Resolution Definition – Select Sum of discounts or Maximum of discounts in a group
Group 1
Drop Down
Select how the discount should be calculated within Group 1. Valid values are Sum, Maximum or Minimum.
Group 2
Drop Down
Select how the discount should be calculated within Group 2. Valid values are Sum, Maximum or Minimum.
Group 3
Drop Down
Select how the discount should be calculated within Group 3. Valid values are Sum, Maximum or Minimum.
Group 4
Drop Down
Select how the discount should be calculated within Group 4. Valid values are Sum, Maximum or Minimum.
In the event of conflict within a discount group, the system will pick either the maximum or the sum of multiple discounts as applicable on the transaction item.
(Step 3) Discount Relation – Define how are the groups related amongst themselves.
Between Group 1 and Group 2
Drop Down
Specify how the Group 1 discount calculation is related with the Group 2 discount. Valid values are Sum, Maximum or Minimum.
Between Group 2 and Group 3
Drop Down
Specify how the Group 2 discount calculation is related with the Group 3 discount. Valid values are Sum, Maximum or Minimum.
Between Group 3 and Group 4
Drop Down
Specify how the Group 3 discount calculation is related with the Group 4 discount. Valid values are Sum, Maximum or Minimum.
In the event of a conflict amongst discount groups, the system will pick either the maximum or the sum of discounts as arrived for the different Groups defined in Step 2.
Once the Resolution is defined for the different Discount Groups in Step2 and between Discount Groups in Step 3, click [Ok] to save the changes made.

The above setup will act as a conflict resolution matrix for determining how the discounts should be calculated on an item in the event that multiple discounts are applied on the same transaction line item.
Note: In the case of different Bonus Buy schemes being defined, the system applies the Bonus Buys according to the Bonus Buy Hierarchy, irrespective of the Step 2 setup defined above.

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