Delay in Management console login time and reports

Delay in Management console login time and reports


iVend 6.6 Patch 7747

Problem Description: 

Delay in Management console login time & reports.


Clients facing an unusual time to login Management Console (dos mode screen also appears) and the reports taking more time to generate even if it is in a small volume, sometimes the system gets hanged.


Need to check below points to troubleshoot the slowness

1)  Check allocation and structural integrity of all the objects. 


2) Check Fragmentation of Major tables 

"SELECT top 10 OBJECT_NAME(i.OBJECT_ID) AS TableName, AS IndexName,indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 'DETAILED') indexstats
INNER JOIN sys.indexes i ON i.OBJECT_ID = indexstats.OBJECT_ID
WHERE indexstats.avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 30
AND i.index_id = indexstats.index_id
ORDER BY 3 desc

3) Check database size "SELECT DB_NAME(database_id) AS DBName,Name AS Logical_Name, Physical_Name,(size*8)/1024 SizeMB
FROM sys.master_files
WHERE DB_NAME(database_id) = 'CXSRetail66' --databasename" .

4) Check SQL Server Version Select @@VERSION .



Resolution/Work Around: 

One of the possible reasons for slowness can be the un-optimized Database.

If DB is not optimized; it needs to be optimized. It is suggested to do the fragmentation for all the tables having values greater than 90. 

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