Debug the Registered Add-on

Debug the Registered Add-on

Debug the Registered Add-on

This knowledge base article will assist developers on how to debug the registered iVend Retail Add-on using Microsoft Visual Studio.


The key intent to debug and test the registered iVend Retail Add-on code is to identify and fix any possible bugs on specific screens of the iVend Management Console.

This allows developers to identify the bugs in real-time, then fix and retest them.

Debugging the Registered iVend Retail Add-on

The following steps can be used to debug the registered iVend Retail Add-on code:

Press the F9 key or on the DEBUG menu, click Toggle Breakpoint to create a breakpoint. The red circle appears at the start of the code line after creating a breakpoint.

1. Open the iVend Retail Add-on project.
2. Identify the code section that has the possibility of an error.
3. Create a breakpoint.

The following step-by-step process demonstrates the debugging process for a registered iVend Retail Add-on:

1. On the DEBUG menu, click Attach to Process…
2. Select a process from the Available Process section in the Attach to Process dialog box.
3. Click the [Attach] button.
4. Press the F5 key to execute debugging.

Figure 1 Attach toProcess

Figure 2 Select from Available Process

Figure 3 Add On Base Plugin

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