Customer Credit limit with limited Credit days

Customer Credit limit with limited Credit days


iVend Version 6.6 with SAP B1 9.2

Problem Statement: 

We are not able to issue the credit days, the credit limit for the customer, and not able to charge interest on credit days as well. We don't have any consolidated report of the credit limit and customer credit balance amount. 


Not Applicable

Resolution/Work Around: 

We don't have the functionality to enter the credit limit and provide the number of days for the credited amount payment.
If you want to check the amount of a particular customer then you have to open MC and follow the given steps
iVend--->Operation------>Customer------>Account Details------->Account Receivable-------> Balance and check
the balance amount of the customer.Another way is to create the customized report as per your need with the help of the ArrAccountsReceivable table.
Recommendations /Suggestion:
The customer needs to check the ArrAccountsReceivable table for reporting purposes.
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