Configure Barcode masking with alternate UOM code in iVend MC

Configure Barcode masking with alternate UOM code in iVend MC

Product version:          

iVend 6.6 integrated with SAP  9.2 

Problem statement:  

Customer requires to sell the product with barcode masking having two different UOM for the same product 
For example: Customer has one scenario where he has one product that has 2 different UOMs (KG - Box) and each of them using scale (like a tomato can be sold in KG and can be sold by BOX) so now we need to assign two different barcode mask and as  can see in the product master data there is only one place for 1 barcode mask, so how I can handle this scenario?

Proposed Solution/Workaround:  

It is suggested to enable the UOM code for product and then configure the Barcode masking based on alternate UOM in iVend MC.

Reference Screen shots as per example:

1) Created one product  :

2) Define Alternate UPC Code :
3) Define one  Barcode mask and map with product ENTP29 based on  UOMBarcode and Qty
4) So we can scan two UOM barcode in POS Scan Area
21ENTP29_KG20 (for KG) ,   
21ENTP29_GM20 (for GM)
i.e. Barcode Masking definition
Start Sentinel :21 , UOMBarcode : ENTP29_KG   , Qty : 2

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