Company Logo Missing from Email Transaction Receipt

Company Logo Missing from Email Transaction Receipt


iVend 6.6 7915 & SAP Business One 9.3 PL 15

Problem Statement:

Configured the Email Receipt in Retail Profile, however after performing the transaction on POS Company Logo is printing from the printer, but Logo is missing from Email Transaction Receipt.


Receipt Sending Mode should be corrected in Email Receipt.

Resolution/Work Around:

Check below resolution points.

  1. Open Enterprise Management Console.​
    Go to: Administration >> Retail Configuration >> Retail Profile>>

  2. Select Retail Profile and click on Edit button.

  3. In the Retail Profile Open Email Receipt (Configuration).

  4. In the Email Receipt Configuration map the correct Receipt Sending Mode.

Recommendations /Suggestion:

If you have multiple stores or you have different Logo for the store then try to change Receipt Sending Mode from Enterprise To Store in Retail Profile under Email receipt.

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