Check Goods Receipt & Goods Issue against Inventory counting iVend MC

Check Goods Receipt & Goods Issue against Inventory counting iVend MC


iVend 6.6 integrated with SAPB1

Problem Statement:

How to check Goods Receipt & Goods Issue against Inventory counting iVend MC





Resolution/Work Around: 

Below SQL Queries can be used to check:

Select A1.InventoryCountKey,A1.Created,TotalRecords, CountedWale,GRCount , GICount,  COUNT(1) as [GRCreated], GRCount - COUNT(1) as [GRDifference],

(select COUNT(1) from InvInventoryTransactionDetail Where SourceKey = A1.InventoryCountKey) as [GICreated]


(SELECT A.InventoryCountKey,A.Created, COUNT(1) TotalRecords,  Sum(case when B.Counted > 0 and counted=1 and b.Status=1 then 1 else 0 end) CountedWale,

Sum(case when B.DifferenceQuantity > 0 then 1 else 0 end) GRCount, sum(case when B.DifferenceQuantity < 0 and counted=1 and b.Status=1 then 1 else 0 end) GICount

FROM InvInventoryCount A, InvInventoryCountDetail B

Where A.InventoryCountKey = B.InventoryCountKey

and A.Created > '2022-01-01 00:00:00.000'

group by A.InventoryCountKey,A.Created

having Sum(case when B.Counted > 0 then 1 else 0 end) > 0) As A1, InvGoodReceiptDetail B

Where A1.InventoryCountKey = B.SourceKey

--and GICount >0

Group by A1.InventoryCountKey,TotalRecords, CountedWale,GRCount, GICount,A1.Created

order by Created desc

-- GR Count should be equal to GR created.

-- GI count should be equal to GI created.

Recommendations /Suggestion: 


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