Cashier is able to Change the Price after Recalling a Suspended Transaction

Cashier is able to Change the Price after Recalling a Suspended Transaction


iVend 6.5 Update 6 with SAPB1 9.2

Problem Statement:  

When POS is login with cashier credentials and the Product is updated after Starting the manager Override and then Suspending the Transaction. After suspending, when the transaction is recalled , the system allows to change the Price again. 


The possibility is that the system is still working in the Manager Mode therefore, it has all the rights to make the changes.


 Before recalling the Transaction, the manager Override has to be ended , otherwise the User will be in the manager Mode only and will have all the rights.

You can see the "End manager Override" option in the POS, only if the user is in the Manager Mode.

Below is the screenshot rom POS from where we need to end the manager Override.
