** Internal Notes for Support Team Only**
The below activity must be done in non business hours and the integration/replication monitors must be cleared.
1. Take the SAP database backup
2. Stop the Replication on all stores and HO
3. Stop the Integration Service
4. Change the UseTransactionConsolidation to False in CfgEnterprise table
UPDATE CfgEnterprise SET UseTransactionConsolidation = 0 WHERE UseTransactionConsolidation = 1
5. Change the IsConsolidated to False in ConTrxTransactionMapping table
UPDATE ConTrxTransactionMapping SET IsConsolidated = 0 WHERE ConsolidatedTransactionKey = 'Put Consolidated Transction key' AND IsConsolidated = 1
6. Mark the stuck event as success
UPDATE RepIntegrationLog SET Flag = 1, Status = 0, ErrorMessage = 'Manual adjustment' WHERE SourceType = 200 AND SourceKey = 'Put Consolidated Transction key'AND Status = 1
7. Open the individual events (approx. 300)
UPDATE RepIntegrationLog SET Flag = 0 WHERE SourceType = 143 AND Flag = 1 AND SourceKey IN (SELECT TransactionKey FROM ConTrxTransactionMapping WHERE ConsolidatedTransactionKey = 'Put Consolidated Transction key')
8. Start the Integration Service
9. Once all the transactions (approx. 300 ) are cleared from the integration monitor then reset the consolidation flag to true
UPDATE CfgEnterprise SET UseTransactionConsolidation = 1 WHERE UseTransactionConsolidation = 0
10. Restart the Replication Service on all stores and HO