Bonus Buys Hierarchy

Bonus Buys Hierarchy

Bonus Buys Hierarchy

iVend Retail allows retailers to create multiple promotions and set the priority of the promotion on a hierarchy basis.

Business case

Let’s consider a case where a retailer is planning to create a set of promotions as below.

1. If a customer makes a purchase of $200 they will get a $40 Discount.

2. If a customer makes a purchase of $300 they will get a $75 Discount.

3. If a customer makes a purchase of $500 they will get a $150 Discount.

Required setup

1. Go to the iVend Management Console > Operations > Pricing and Promotions > Bonus Buys

2. Click [F3 New]

3. Enter a desired promotion Code and Description.

4. Make sure the promotion is marked as active.

5. Set active date or time if required.

6. Enter the following example: $200 Minimum Bill Amount, Minimum Quantity of 1 and Discount as $40

7. Uncheck Apply on Item Scan (If checked, the promotion condition that occurs first, will be applied and the system will not look into the bonus buys hierarchy)

8. Select desired promotion color.

9. Click [OK] to save first promotion.

10. Repeat step 2 to 9 for the other two promotions and set the conditions as below

a. Minimum bill amount as $300 / Minimum QTY as 1 / Discount as $75

b. Minimum bill amount as $500 / Minimum QTY as 1 / Discount as $150

11. Now close the bonus buys screen and go to Management Console > Operations > Price and promotions > Bonus buys hierarchy

Figure 4 Bonus Buy Hierarchy

12. In the bonus buys hierarchy screen sort the promotions priority where the highest promotion value should be at the top and lowest to be at the bottom

13. Use the [UP], [Down], [First], [Last] buttons to sort the promotions and click [OK].


Business Transaction

1. Go to iVend Retail POS

2. Scan or select some products

3. Now the invoice total amount is $500+ and still no discount is applied. This is because we have unchecked the option apply on item scan.

4. Click on the Quick complete or payment button


5. As shown above, the system automatically applies the $150 discount on invoice level according to the hierarchy setup.

6. If we change the priority in the hierarchy setup and make the $40 discount the highest priority then the system will apply a $40 discount even when a customer’s billing amount exceeds $500.



The Bonus Buys Hierarchy is used to define the priority for promotions, in the event that there could be multiple promotions applicable in a single transaction.