Barcode scanned in quantity column while creating a stock transfer , causing integration falilure

Barcode scanned in quantity column while creating a stock transfer , causing integration falilure

This KB is for Internal Purpose Only for CitiXsys

Environment :

iVend 6.6 with SAPB1

Problem Statement :

Record stuck in integration monitor. Showing below error.

System.Exception: DI:Quantity falls into negative inventory  [WTR1.ItemCode][line: 16] en ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.IntegrationObjects.InventoryStockTransfer.CreateInventoryStockTransfer(DataRow[] objDataRow, DataSet objDataSetSerialBatch, Direction From, Direction To, String iVendSBOSTNumber, Boolean IsGoodReceiptST, DataRow[] objDataRowUserDefinedFields)
   en ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.IntegrationObjects.Transactions.Replicate(Direction From, Direction To, Int32 DatasetRowID)
   en ReplicationSBOIntegrationWinSer.Integrator.MainStart(DateTime LastRetryAt, Boolean& Retried)

Cause :

If in any stock transfer customer scan the barcode in quantity by mistake .so it is generating millions of negatives for customer.

Symptoms :


Resolution/Work Around :

Need to update Stock transfer detail with Quantity,QuantityOpen,QuantityShipped,UOMQuantity,UOMQuantityOpen,UOMQuantityShipped ,also need to update InStockQuantity, AvailableQuantity in warehouse ( Main warehouse , Retail warehouse , Intranset warehouse.

update InvStockTransferDetail set Quantity='1.00000',QuantityOpen='1.00000',QuantityShipped='1.00000', UOMQuantity='1.00000',UOMQuantityOpen='1.00000',UOMQuantityShipped='1.0000' where StockTransferKey='Enter stock transfer key'
and linenumber='enter the line number'
update InvInventoryItem set InStockQuantity=0,AvailableQuantity=0 where ProductKey='Product key' and WarehouseKey='warehouse key'

Recommendations /Suggestion : 

Need to take backup of data before update.

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