Barcode Scan Sequence Resolution Order

Barcode Scan Sequence Resolution Order


The user at the POS scans either the barcode of the product when it is being transacted or swipes the loyalty card for the customer or the security user card. The system follows a sequence of methods or events in an attempt to resolve the barcode being scanned, stopping the search when it finds a successful match.

 Figure Depicting Intelligent Scan Area


The Barcode Scan Sequence Resolution Order is a hard-coded setting in the system as of now and is not currently open to configuration.

Resolution Order

The resolution order is as follows: 

1. UPC code in Product Master - 

The system first picks the UPC code of the product. The UPC Code is entered in the Product Screen. When the system identifies the product mapped against the UPC, it displays the product details on the POS transaction screen. 

2. Multiple UPC code for the Product - 

The system then checks the various UPC codes setup for the products. The multiple UPC Codes are defined for the product in the Alternate UPC Code master. When the system identifies the product mapped against the UPC, it displays the product details on the POS transaction screen. 

3. Bar-code Masking - 

The system then checks if the scanned code matches to the bar-code mask ached to the product. For this the system will match the first 2 characters of the barcode against the start sentinel set for the bar-code mask and then checks for the other details of the bar-code mask. 

4. Product Id - 

The system then checks the Product Id. When the system identifies the product mapped against the Product Id, it displays the product details on the POS transaction screen. 

5. Serial Number - 

The system then checks the Serial Number of the products. When the system identifies the product mapped against the Serial Number, it displays the product details on the POS transaction screen. 

6. Batch Number - 

The system then checks if it is a Batch Number of a product. When the system identifies the product mapped against the batch number, it displays the product details on the POS transaction screen. 

7. Matched with Part Number/ Code from Customer Catalog - 

The system will then check for the code setup for the products in the Customer Catalog. The Codes are defined for the product in the Customer Catalog as maintained by the customer. When the system identifies the product mapped against the Code, it displays the product details on the POS transaction screen. 

8. Customer Code - 

If none of the above codes are matching with the code scanned/swiped, the system checks the code against the customer codes setup in the system. The code of the customer is displayed at the Customer Informa on at POS. 

9. Security User Code – 

If the customer code also does not match, the system checks for the security user code setup in the system to check if the POS user has swiped the card to log into the system. 

10. Product Description – 

If the codes mentioned above don’t match with the code scanned /swiped the system checks for the product description .The product description is specified in the Product Screen. When the system identifies the product mapped against the product description, it displays the product details on the POS transaction screen. 

11. Customer First Name – 

If none of the above codes are matching with the code scanned/swiped, the system checks the code against the customer first name setup in the system. The code of the customer is displayed at the Customer Informa on at POS. 

12. Customer Last Name – 

If none of the above codes are matching with the code scanned/swiped, the system checks the code against the customer last name setup in the system. The code of the customer is displayed at the Customer Informa on at POS. 

13. Transaction ID – 

Finally, the system checks for the Id of the transaction in which the product is being transacted at the POS. When the system identifies the product mapped against the Transaction Id, it displays the product details on the POS transaction screen. 

Note: Since the system allows defining the same barcode, serial number, batch number etc. to multiple products, if more than one product is found for a scan, the system will display a popup screen displaying all the products matching the bar code, serial number etc. The user can select the required product from the screen