Age Verification on Product Purchase

Age Verification on Product Purchase

Problem Statement

Enable Age verification of customers on specific product purchases.


iVend 6.6

Proposed solution/workaround

We can enable the Age verification feature on specific products that are required to verify customer age before purchase.

Steps  - Step to enable the feature.

 To enable the Age Verification on a product open the specific product in Management Console to edit.


a. Enable the Age verification by checking on “Require Age Verification”.
b. Mention the customer's minimum age which requires to buy the product.
    Once is it enable it will ask for the age verification on POS at the time of purchase.


sometimes on customer Age Verification, the keyboard does not show the numeric keyboard.



It could be possible that NumLock not enable.



Recommendations /Suggestion:

Make Sure Numlock is enabled in the keyboard. You can check in the onscreen keyboard as well.



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